1·It is incorrect to fish in a protected area.
2·In view of protected area, 67.94% is not under-protection.
3·Because usually quiet Sydney Harbour, but also a protected area.
4·Add folders and files with valuable data to the protected area Improved!
在隐私信息保护区中保护重要文件和文件夹 功能强化!
5·Eco-tourism is responsible travel in natural and usually protected area.
6·Hotels in the world natural heritage protected area in the center of Wulingyuan.
7·These dogs do not bark alot and will attack strangers who enter the protected area.
8·The children's room is located in the most protected area of the library and faces a small courtyard.
9·Songhuaba water source Protected Area is an important water source in Kunming city and Yunnan province.
10·Chimpanzees, elephants, buffaloes and a reddish-brown antelope known as the bongo also occur in this protected area.
1·He says among the most curious on the list is the once abundant Golden Toad, which lived in a protected area of Costa Rica and disappeared in a little over a year.
2·Protected area is a general term, it can be classified into different categories according to the establishment objective and their own characteristics for which it is being managed.
3·The remote power supply is installed in a dry, protected area and is connected to the strobe bulbs by interconnect cables with either standard or weather proof connectors.
4·In both cases, turning something on and off is symbolized, but in the latter, a key is going to be a clear association to a password protected area, which is not the effect we were hoping to achieve.
5·But a paper in Biology Letters suggests that even a relatively small protected area can have a positive impact on a top predator - in this case, the African penguin, an endangered species.